Wake Pediatric Speech Therapy, PLLC accepts personal checks, flex spending accounts, health savings accounts, credit cards, and cash. Invoices are emailed monthly for all claims that have processed and paid through your insurance. Payments may be mailed in or paid online. Families can also enroll in monthly auto-pay.
We are in-network providers for the following insurance companies:
Our in-network status does not guarantee that services will be covered by your insurance plan. It is important that you understand your individual benefits as coverage for speech therapy services depends upon your specific plan/policy.
Please note that while we will complete an initial verification to determine if any prior authorizations are needed, it is your responsibility as the policyholder to contact your insurance company to find out if speech therapy is a covered service under your policy and whether you have any exclusions. Wake Pediatric Speech Therapy, PLLC is not affiliated with any insurance company and has no influence as to whether speech therapy services are covered under your insurance policy.
Managed Care Is Here!
Medicaid Managed Care is now live. Wake Pediatric Speech Therapy, PLLC is a participating provider for all 5 Private Health Providers in our Region. These include:
Wake Pediatric Speech Therapy, PLLC
Office Phone: (919) 593-8104
Billing Line: 919-259-4590
Fax: (919) 882-8110
